2. Staying Patient and Trusting the Process with Jaime Turrentine

On this episode, Joey Stanizzi, Dylan Schuett, and Colin Cunningham discuss the topic of the day - What is it going to be like having no fans at sporting events / how are athletes going to react?
This episode's guest, Jaime Turrentine, played Division I College Soccer at St. Mary's in California and continued playing semi-pro in Ireland post-college. She talks about her journey through her soccer career, from the pitfalls of having to bounce around from team to team as a young athlete to now leading her semi-pro team at 25 years old. Her underdog story epitomizes staying patient throughout your journey, steering clear from the negativity and doubt from others.
Listen to the full episode below to hear about how Jaime focused on putting in work; ultimately, proving people wrong in the end!
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