6. Keeping a Level Head With Clark Kerner

On this episode, Joey Stanizzi, Colin Cunningham, and Dylan Schuett discuss the topic of the day - If we could pick anyone to mentor us, past or present, who would it be and why?
Our initial guest that we were expecting to have on could not make the interview, so we improvised and had a good friend of ours, Clark Kerner, on for today's episode. Clark Is the epitome of sticking to your path. His passion is hockey. Unlike most, he embraces the journey instead of solely desiring the end goal.
He committed to play division 1 college hockey at a young age but unfortunately, the school de-committed him. Clark was just coming off a very serious injury that had him sleeping in a reclining chair for the better half of a year. He talks about his experience coming off of a major injury, his love for the journey, his ability to keep a cool mind during the whole process, and much more. Not by chance, the day he lost his D1 commit, he went out and put on his A-performance, proving his ability to keep a level head. He put up two points in that day's game. He continues to fight for the game he loves and we are confident this underdog story will be one that comes out on top.
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